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5 Steps To Consistently Profit in Forex
author thumb  By Nial Fuller in Forex Trading Tutorials Last updated on October 4th, 2017 | 53 Comments
psychologyIn today’s lesson, I am going to give you five tips to help you make consistent money in the markets. Whilst I can’t promise you success, if you actually read and implement the five points discussed below, you should see some improvement in your trading results. This lesson was written to draw your attention to some of the more nuanced aspects of successful trading that you may have been ignoring but that can make or break your trading account.

1) Focus on trading, not just on making money

Believe it or not, one of the main reasons you are not making money consistently in the markets is because you are too focused on money.

Most people come into the markets chasing freedom from their job or a quick road to riches. However, what they don’t know is that they are up against a test of mental strength and their ability to manage themselves in an arena of never-ending temptation; the Forex market.

If you want to make consistent money in the markets you will need to let go of all your fantasies of telling your boss to stick his job up his #$! or trading from an exotic beach location. You see, the more focused you are on making money really fast, the more the money will elude you. This is because focusing your mind on the money creates emotional tension, and the more emotional you are the more likely you are to commit the account-destroying mistakes of over-trading and over-leveraging.

So, if you want to increase your odds of consistently profiting in Forex, focus on mastering one Forex trading strategy at a time and forget about making a lot of money. Obviously you are in the markets to make money, but you need to understand that the more you feel a “need” to make money the more you will experience difficulty in actually making it. By effectively managing your risk on every trade you can begin to forget about the money. This means setting your risk tolerance at a dollar amount that you are TRULY OK with losing on any trade. You will not feel any pressure or emotional tension if you truly do not care if you lose the money you have at risk on a trade. If you are thinking about your trades very often or losing sleep over them, you are probably focused too much on the money and not enough on the process of trading, and this means you are probably risking too much money per trade.

2) Learn that NOT trading is part of the game (Being out of a trade is a position)

It may seem counter-intuitive, but not trading is one of the easiest things you can do to help you make money consistently in the markets.

Of course, in order to know when not to trade you have to know exactly WHEN to trade. This involves mastering an effective trading strategy like price action so that you have NO DOUBTS about what your trading edge is and when it is present in the markets.

Always remember that by not trading you are also not losing money. If your goal is to profit consistently, then by not losing money you are obviously closer to your goal than if you had entered a stupid trade and lost. So, just be sure you have absolutely no doubts about entering every trade you take, because if a particular trade setup does not meet your pre-defined trading plan rules, it means that your edge is not present, and trading when your edge is not present is the same thing as gambling.

In my daily members’ commentary we often discuss how not trading is the best thing to do at the moment. Many traders underestimate how important sitting on the sidelines is to their long-term trading success. You really want to trade Forex like a sniper and not a machine gunner, by picking your trades wisely and only trading when your trading edge is present.
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